How To Train Your Dog

Understanding Dog Psychology Basics to Perfect Your Pet Relationship

Keenan Eriksson
21 min readJun 4, 2020
Photo by Elias Castillo on Unsplash

According to the Insurance Information Institute, there are approximately 90 million pet dogs in the U.S., yet a well trained dog is hard to find. When I went to my grandparent’s as a kid, the dog didn’t enter the kitchen without permission, knew several tricks, and could be easily walked without a leash.

This was considered normal. Your dog, while well-loved, had a strictly defined place in the family hierarchy (which was not begging at the dinner table.)

Nowadays far fewer people have such standards for their pets. Though these owners are often plenty happy, many dogs suffer abandonment or worse as a result of their uncontrolled behavior.

Alongside my writing in health and wellness, I also work as a canine obedience trainer here in Dallas, Texas. I was trained under a former Bomb-dog “sapper” who has been training canines in multiple modalities for over a decade.

When I began professional training, I was very surprised by just how simple dog training truly is, and came to see how most pet owners’ problems could be solved by little more than a shift in mindset.

Most dogs are smarter than they are given credit for; Dogs are eager to learn, but they are hierarchical…



Keenan Eriksson
Keenan Eriksson

Written by Keenan Eriksson

Biohacking-Based Life Coach & Author. I Help My Clients Overcome Disease Optimize Their Lives Using Biology.

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