In April of 2017, my whole world changed.
I went from the best place in my life, training 4 hours a day for the crossfit games, feeling freed from my ADD by a mixture of philosophy and nootropics (brain boosting supplements.) and I was pursuing a true life of my dreams.
Then, it all came crashing down, I faced death, and I was tested.
What exactly happened is still a bit unclear, but as far as I can tell, I crashed my nervous system by over-training. A few months prior, I’d had a few small panic attacks that were strange more than anything, but in April of 2017, I got into the Sauna after weightlifting, and proceeded to feel like I was either losing my mind or dying for 3 hours.
The experience itself isn’t what I’m here to talk about. What I’m here to talk about is the mindset I had, and still have, in facing hell and getting through circumstances that feel uncontrollable, unfair, and unjust.
And frankly, the first lesson is that unfairness is not important.
Life is not fair, and though we may not like to realize it, we are in so many ways powerless in the face of the massive forces that make up much of life.
However, on the flip side, for as powerless as we are, there is really only one option when facing hardship, and it almost laughs in the face of…